Ollaan ihastuneita mereen ja nythän siitä sit voidaan nauttia vähän useamminkin. Tässä tosi kaunis paikka, jota useampikin jo ehti meille suositella -Kallo. Ja auringonlasku.
We love sea, and now it's possible for us to enjoy it more often. This place is called Kallo. Very beautiful, and with sunset, even more beautiful.
We love sea, and now it's possible for us to enjoy it more often. This place is called Kallo. Very beautiful, and with sunset, even more beautiful.

Eikös näytä kivalta?
Kevät on nyt varmaan jo ihan virallisesti täällä. Auringonpaistetta kaikille!
Looks nice, huh? I'm happy to announce that the spring is here. It's so great! Have a nice sunny days!
<3 Jenni